Recently, Mira Rajput stole the show as the showstopper for the well-known fashion brand Jade by MK, led by designers Karishma and Monica, stole the show. Mira’s presence added a sense of elegance to the occasion, which showcased their current collection, ‘Legacy of Deft Hands’. Wearing an elegant lehenga costume, the stunning spouse of Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor made a spectacular debut at Mumbai’s CSMVS (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya). Mira attracted attention with ease as she walked down the ramp dressed in gorgeous ethnic clothing, captivating spectators with her irresistible charm. Let’s analyse her glam appearance and make some style observations.
Mira Rajput dazzles in a queenly lehenga ensemble show stopper.
Mira’s airy look skilfully combined classic features with contemporary appeal. The stylish diva looked stunning in a lehenga outfit that included a corset blouse with a deep V-neck, halter neck, backless style, and asymmetrical hemline. The outfit was opulent, with elaborate Zari work and sequin embroidery showcasing excellent craftsmanship. She wore it with a lehenga skirt that exuded grandeur and modern refinement. The elaborate traditional multi-coloured designs and sequin embroidery added to the glamor and splendor.
She complements her stunning JADE costume with a long Russian emerald studded statement pendant necklace and an antique finish polki choker with numerous layers, paying homage to India’s rich tradition and workmanship. Her ornaments added a touch of royal appeal and nicely complemented her majestic look. Smudged kajal, mascara-coated lashes, winged eyeliner, brown eyeshadow, defined brows, contoured cheekbones, flushed cheeks, radiant highlighter, and a glossy nude lipstick were all part of her glitzy cosmetic look. Her gorgeous features were accentuated by the low ponytail she wore for her lovely locks.
Her fans showered her posts with likes and comments as soon as her photos and videos went popular on social media, ogling over her gorgeous appearance. On the other hand, some internet users found the actress’s ramp walk to be somewhat “manly,” while others questioned how she was selected to be the night’s star of the show. One person said, “She’s walking like a macho man,” and another said, “She’s walking like a wrestler.” One netizen asked, “Terrible walk, and you call it grace?” Fans are excited to see what the diva will wear next, even though her stroll earned mixed reviews for her fashion and flair.